


添加時(shí)間: 2022-05-08 14:10:18

Fluoroplastic or silicone rubber high temperature resistant cable for computer


This product is suitable for connection of computer, inspection apparatus and instruments with more requirement of preventing interference with rated voltage up to 300/500V. Fluoroplastic or silicone rubber insulated and sheathed cable has many excellent performances such as high-temperature resistance, oil resistance, corrosiveness resistance, oil soil resistance, ageing resistance, etc., so this product has wide fields of application such as power, metallurgic, petrochemical industry, etc..


一、使用特性 Scope of application

1、交流額定電壓U0/U 為300/500V。

The rated A.C. voltage U0/U is 300/500V.


The maximum long term operating temperature of the conductor is 2600C.



The lowest ambient temperature: it is -400C for fixed laying and -200C for non-fixed laying.



The allowed minimum bending radius: it is not less than 6 times the outer diameter for non-armored cable and it is not less than 12 times the outer diameter for copper tape shield or metal armored cable.

 二、主要技術(shù)指標(biāo) the main technical data

性能項(xiàng)目  Item單位 Unit指標(biāo) Data
工作電容 Operating capacitance  PF/m≤90
電容不平衡 Unbalance capacitancePF/m≤1
電感/電阻 Induction/ResistanceμH/Ω≤25
屏蔽系數(shù) shielding factor
20℃時(shí)絕緣電阻 Insulation resistance at 20℃MΩ·km≥5000
試驗(yàn)電壓 Test voltageV/1min2000
阻燃特性(按GB/T18380.3-2001試驗(yàn))Flame-resistant characteristic (according to GB/T18380.3-2001)
A類Class A

三、型號(hào)及名稱 Type and designation

型號(hào) Type名稱 Designation
DJF4PF46(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套耐高溫電子計(jì)算機(jī)電纜(Tin-coated)copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper wire braided shield fluoroplastic sheathed high temperature resistant control cable for computer
DJF4PF46R(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套耐高溫電子計(jì)算機(jī)軟電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroehtylene insulated twisted copper wire braided shield fluoroplastic sheathed flexible control cable for computer
DJF4P2F46(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅帶屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)控制電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper tape shielded fluoroplastic sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4PF46RP(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織屏蔽銅絲編織總屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)軟電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper wire braided individually and collectively shielded fluoroplastic sheathed flexible control cable for computer
DJF4P2F46P2(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅帶屏蔽銅帶總屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper tape individually and collectively shielded fluoroplastic sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4P2F46P(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅帶屏蔽銅絲編織總屏蔽氟塑料護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper tape individually and copper wire braided collectively shielded fluoroplastic sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4GP(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織總屏蔽硅橡膠護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)控制電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene twisted copper wire braided collectively shielded silicone rubber sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4PGP(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織屏蔽銅絲編織總屏蔽硅橡膠護(hù)套屏電子計(jì)算機(jī)電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper wire braided individually and collectively shielded silicone rubber sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4P2GP2(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅帶屏蔽銅帶總屏蔽硅橡膠護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper tape individually and collectively shielded silicone rubber sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4P2G(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅帶屏蔽硅橡膠護(hù)套電子計(jì)算機(jī)控制電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper tape shielded silicone rubber sheathed control cable for computer
DJF4PG22(鍍錫)銅芯聚四氟絕緣對(duì)絞銅絲編織屏蔽硅橡膠護(hù)套鋼帶鎧裝電子計(jì)算機(jī)控制電纜(Tin-coated) copper conductor polytetrafluoroethylene insulated twisted copper wire braided shield steel tape armored silicone rubber sheathed control cable for computer

標(biāo)簽: 氟塑料電纜  